Cream of the Crop 1
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416 lines
(c)1991 Programming Constructs - Damion Haux
MultiBoot Version 3.20
Copyright (c) 1990,1991 Damion Haux ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
You have a 30 day trial period to try out and use this program. If you
use it after that, send 10$ to :
Damion Haux
576 E. 16th
Eugene, OR 97401
The unregistered version will allow up to 15 configs, the registered will
support 99. The registered version also shows you and all your friends
that you support sharware authors. Please register your copy of the program.
MBOOT [config name] [/R] [/M] [/Tx]
CONFIG NAME is the desired configuration name
this is optional, and the program will behave
differently according to your flags (explained below)
/R forces a reboot after the new config is copied
whether your ${AC} flag is set or not. (explained below)
/M *** this option removed for version 3.13 ***
/Tx where x is any number from 1-39 seconds. This is the delay
before the program reboots. This is specifically for
people using disk caches that buffer writes. Set this so
the cache has time to flush itself before the machines reboots.
(can be set in MBOOT config)
/C all by itself will bring up the configuration section
of the program which allows permanent setting of
any of the four flags, and setting of the colors
used in the program. It also allows setting of the
path where the config files will be copied.
This program will keep a data file containing up to 99 different
configuration sets (in the registered version) and 15 configs (for the
shareware version) containing an AUTOEXEC.BAT and a CONFIG.SYS for
that option. You may then use control flags to either copy a default
when there are no command line parameters, or put up a point and shoot
selection screen. If you specify a config on the command line, the program
will do one of three things:
1. If the requested setup is found in the config file, it will be
2. If the requested setup isn't found, and the {$UM} 'Use Match' flag
is set, the program will search for the closest match to the name
you asked for.
3. If the requested setup isn't found, and the {$UM} flag isn't set,
the selection screen will be displayed. At that point you can
either choose a config, or press [ESC] to abort.
Control flags will be explained below in the section entitled "Control
Flags" (pretty intuitive, eh?). The files MBOOT.EXE and MBOOT.CFG can be
in any directory. MBOOT.EXE will either copy the config files to the
default directory, or to the directory specified in the setup screen
if the COPY_ROOT flag is set (see flags below)
MBOOT.CFG not found - The file MBOOT.CFG is not in the same directory
as the program MBOOT.EXE.
Cannot find BOF - The file pointer cannot be reset to the beginning
of the MBOOT.CFG file. Could be if you have more
than 100 configs in the file.
Error reading MBOOT.CFG - There is a problem reading MBOOT.CFG. Could be
because the file is damaged, or...?
Cannot open window - Not enough memory to open the window. Free up
some memory.
Cannot find editor - The editor specified in the config cannot be found
where it should be.
Not enough memory - With MBOOT.EXE still in memory and a secondary
command.com loaded, MBOOT takes up approx. 164k of
memory. I am going to be integrating Marty Del
Veccio's SWAP utility soon, which should leave much
more memory available for the user editor.
MBOOT Configuration
║ [ Mono Defaults ] ║
1 ║ Border Back 0 0 1 Foregound ║
2 ║ Border Fore 2 2 123456789012345 Colors ║
3 ║ Window Back 0 0 *************** ║
4 ║ Window Fore 2 2 1 Background ║
5 ║ Bar Back 0 0 1346891 Colors ║
6 ║ Bar Fore 112 112 06284062 ╔══════════════════╗ ║
7 ║ Use Default N ******** ║ Window text ║ ║
8 ║ Copy to Path N ║ Selection Bar ║ ║
9 ║ Force Reboot N ║ Window text ║ ║
10║ Use BestMatch N ╚══════════════════╝ ║
11║ Target Path C:\ Sample Window ║
12║ Editor Path C:\youreditor ║
13║ Work Path ║
14║ Make backups N ║
15║ Reboot Delay 3 < 35 ║
16║ Reboot Prog ║
17║ Reboot Type W (W)arm, (C)old, (X)custom ║
╚════ [Ctrl-Enter]=Finished ═════════════════ [Esc]=Abort ═══════════════╝
By running MBOOT with the \c parameter, the program can be configured.
In items 1 thru 6, you can choose a number from the color chart at right.
Remember that you should only use background colors in background fields
and foreground colors in foreground fields. However, you may get some
interesting effects otherwise.
7 controls whether the program will use your default setting if
no config is specified on the command line.
8 controls whether the new AUTOEXEC and CONFIG will be copied to
the default drive, or to the path specified in config options 11.
9 will cause the program to do a warm reboot after the new config
is copied.
10 controls whether the program will try to get a best match on
a partial config name.
11 is the path where the new config files will be copied.
12 is the complete path to your editor. The editor will be called
with a file name after it to edit.
13 is the path where temporary edit files are kept and edited.
14 is Y or N, if you specify Y, two backup files will be made of your
old CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT before the program overwrites them.
15 is the number of seconds you would like the program to wait before
it reboots. Useful for flushing caches.
16 is the complete path to your custom boot program if the built in
boot routine does not work correctly.
17 specifies whether you want MBOOT to use it's built in (W)arm reboot,
built in (C)old reboot, or use the (X)custom boot program you specified.
- The custom editor has been tested with QEDIT, WORDSTAR 4.0, and the
NORTON PROGRAM EDITOR. MBOOT takes 164k of memory. Everything else
can be used by your editor.
NOTE: If MBOOT is compressed with LZEXE or PKLITE, it will no longer be
configurable because all the config information is encoded in the EXE file.
It will, however, still run.
MBOOT.CFG Organization
The config file MBOOT.CFG is organized as follows. Somewhere on the first
three lines, you may use any of the CONTROL FLAGS described below. You must
then organize it such:
+-This is a default line, you need only one. It must appear in the first
| three lines of your config file.
${D} <config name>
+--------These are global autoexec lines. They will appear as the first
| lines in your any new autoexec. They are used in all the autoexecs
| copied to your disk.
$A$ PROMPT $p$g
+--------These are global config lines, see above...
$C$ FILES=20
+--------Comment lines. Any line starting with a # character is ignored.
#lines with no apparent meaning
#or importance
+-The rest of the file is organized in groups of three. The first flag
| defines the name of the config. A description follows the semicolon.
| The line has a maximum length of 128. It will be shortened to 75 when
| the selection screen is displayed.
${N} <config name> ;<description> /r
| New with version 3.06. If you put------------+
| a /r after the description, this
| particular config will ALWAYS reboot.
${C} -----Second flag defines the start of the CONFIG.SYS
........ -+
.......... +---- body of config.sys
....... |
..... -+
${A} -----Third flag defines the start of the AUTOEXEC.BAT
.................. -+
.......... |
......... +---- body of autoexec.bat
....... |
.............. -+
${N} <config name> ;<description>
..and so forth.
Instructions for Use
As of version 3.0, the following features have been added:
- Pressing C at the selection menu will call up the editor specified
in the config to edit the CONFIG.SYS for this option.
- Pressing A at the selection menu will allow you to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT
for that option with the user-defined editor.
- Pressing R at the selection menu will allow editing of the highlited configs
name, description, and reboot status.
- Pressing Ins while in the selection screen will allow you to append a new
config on the end of your file, and you may use the C and A options above
to edit the new config.
- Pressing Del while in the selection screen will remove the highlited config
from the data file.
- The two status lines on top are mouse sensitive
- Adding a /r to the end of a name line in the config file will cause
that config to ALWAYS reboot when chosen.
- The program will now copy three REM lines into your AUTOEXEC.BAT that looks
like this..
REM MultiBoot V 3.0 - Config [ZILCH] Date [4-29-91] Time [2:55a]
REM Absolutely nothing
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------
This time stamp can be disabled by using the {SS} flag in the config file
as described below.
- You can type the config number directly in if you don't want to page
through all your configs.
- Pressing D at the selection menu will duplicate the config you are on and
allow you to give a new name to it.
CONTROL FLAGS (Used only in MBOOT.CFG as described above)
${AR} - Activate reboot. This option will cause the program to
reboot after the requested config is copied. You have
three seconds (default) to abort the reboot by pressing a key.
${UD} - Use Default. This will cause the program to use the
default setup instead of bringing up the selection screen
when the command line is empty.
${UM} - Use match. The program will use the closest match in the
config file if it can't find the one you specified.
${CC} - Copy to the path specified in the configuration. This is
initially set to C:\. If this flag is set, MBOOT will copy
the new config files to C:\, otherwise they end up in the default
directory. Of course, MBOOT must be in the path somewhere.
You can change the path used in the config option (MBOOT /C).
${SS} - The use of this flag will disable the time stamp feature of
MultiBoot 3.0.
** these flags, if used, must be in one of the first three line of MBOOT.CFG
also, if these flags are already set in the config, you don't need these.
These flags are basically for occasional use. If you use one flag regularly
then use the /C config option to hard code it into the program.
** added in Ver 2.1 ** these flags now toggle the flag. Therefore, if you
have any flag configured as ON through the /C option, using that flag in
the config will turn it off. Same with the /R Reboot flag on the command
line. Kind of confusing, but once you get it set up, it works.
** added in Ver 2.2 ** you can now manually change these flags when presented
with the choose menu by using the ALT-R (reboot) and ALT-C (copy path)
keys to toggle flags. As of version 3.06, you can click on the top status
line and toggle these flags with a mouse.
- All users are granted permission to make as many copies of the
shareware program as required.
- There are no restrictions on how many different computers one user may
evaluate the shareware MultiBoot.
- Copies may be distributed to others as long as the following
requirements are met:
-- All three files, MBOOT.DOC, MBOOT.EXE, and MBOOT.CFG are transferred as
a whole.
-- These programs must be distributed free of cost. Only the cost of the
media (e.g. diskette) can be charged.
-- The files are not modified in any way.
-- Only the shareware version is distributed.
- The author encourages comments. Please leave comments, suggestions, or
suggested modifications in a message on Who's Board BBS (503-747-0248)
or to DAMION HAUX on the RIME PROGRAMMING conference, or write to
| 576 E. 16th |
| EUGENE, OR 97401 |
or send Fido netmail to 1:152/8.2. @ (503)345-7514 (Rhinoceros Kitchen)
The author has taken due care in writing this program, and the program is
supplied as is. The author makes no expressed or implied warranty of any
kind with regard to this program. In no event shall the author be liable
for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out
of the use of this program.
MBOOT was written in Microsoft QUICK C Ver 2.0, originally. It has
been transferred to Turbo C++ Ver 1.0, and uses the
TCXL library Ver 5.52 (c) Innovative Data Concepts,
a modified standard library, and lot's of time.
Ver 1.0b---- 11-26-90
First release.
Ver 1.1b---- 11-28-90
Fixed some obvious problems, added /r(eboot) option,
added ${ND} and ${AR} flags.
Ver 1.2b---- 11-29-90
Fixed command line parsing, added reboot abort option,
parameters allowed in any order.
Ver 1.3b---- 12-01-90
Never made it out my modem. Restructured the whole
program, reducing it from 2 runs through the config
file to one. Added capabilities for up to 100 configs.
Ver 1.4b---- 12-09-90
Added ${UM} flag, removed F1 help and just included
HELP.DOC. Saved some space and speed.
Ver 1.5b---- 12-16-90
Added ${CC} flag, MBOOT will now look for the MBOOT.CFG
in it's directory, instead of the current directory. The
${CC} flag causes the configs to be copied to C:\ whether
the MBOOT files are there or not. Added the /M option
which presents a bootup menu.
Ver 1.6b---- 12-18-90
Changed the ${ND} No default flag to ${UD} Use default flag.
Now the program will only use the default if the flag is there
as opposed to only using it if the flag wasn't there.
Ver 2.0b---- 12-19-90
Added the configuration routines, now allows colors to be set
and flags to be permanently altered. Config target directory
can be set also.
Ver 2.1b---- 12-20-90
Small change. Flags now TOGGLE state instead of just turning
options on. Also, default color settings are shown in setup
Ver 2.2b---- 1-22-91
Added status line at top to show flag status. Also added the
ALT key combinations for manual changing of the flags.
Ver 3.0b---- 4-25-91
Built in editor added.
Delete and Insert functions added in selection screen.
Global config and autoexec lines included.
{SS} flag added and time stamp feature.
Number of configs restricted to 20 for non-registered version,
100 for registered.
Ver 3.03b---- 5-9-91
Built in editor removed, and user-defined editor implemented.
Help line at bottom of selection screen added. Program now
uses two temporary disk files to do editing instead of two
static memory arrays. The /T option was added at Ray Landers
Ver 3.05b----5-12-91
Added mouse button action on status line at bottom of window.
Ver 3.06b----5-14-91
Added mouse button action on top line of window. Added temp path
to config. This is where temporary files are created when you
edit a config. Also added the ability to have a config always
reboot by adding a /r to the end of the name line.
Ver 3.10b----5-15-91
Minor changes. First version distributed since version 1.5!!!
Ver 3.11----6-30-91
Added configurable reboot delay and option to back up old
config files. Also gave up this silly beta naming stuff.
This is the real thing.
Ver 3.12-----7-18-91
Added direct typing in of config number, and configurable reboot
program if the built in one doesn't work right.
Ver 3.13-----7-21-91
Added built in cold boot, and allowed choice between Cold, Warm, or
custom boot. Knocked unregistered version down from 20 configs to 15.
Ver 3.20-----11-5-91
Fixed a small problem with the global lines being copied despite
comment marker. Added the ability to dupe a config. Added some more
streamlined .ASM code.
Thanks to the Betas : Ray Landers, Tam Davage, Jim Miller, Rick Johnson
(c)1990, 1991 Programming Constructs - Damion Haux